Donate Today Recurring donations
Every gift to Sacramento Ballet keeps us dancing!
The mission of Sacramento Ballet is to broaden the human experience through dance. Unique among local arts organizations, Sacramento Ballet welcomes internationally renowned dancers and choreographers to live and create groundbreaking artistic works right here in our beautiful city, and serves as a representative of California’s thriving cultural scene on regional, national and international stages. We are honored to be part of what makes Greater Sacramento so great.

Sacramento Ballet is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, funded by ticket sales and individual donations, as well as contributions from corporate, foundation, and government entities. This vital support enables the company to present unparalleled, world-class programming that inspires and uplifts, while expanding the reach of the artform through educational and outreach initiatives.

Dance by the numbers = your gift matters!

  • $275 provides a full month of ballet classes for a Level II scholarship student
  • $150 sends a family of four to Sacramento Ballet as part of our Free Public Event performances
  • $110 buys a pair of custom-made pointe shoes for our professional dancers
  • $75 pays for a pianist to accompany our Fall Prevention for Older Adults classes

 Your gift does make a difference. Please make that difference today.

Questions or wish to discuss your contribution? Please contact Director of Communications & Development, Cynthia Wuthmann at 916.732.3670 or

Sponsorship Opportunities

For more information about becoming a Sacramento Ballet sponsor, please contact

Thank you to our sponsors and community partners.

Corporate Partners $50,000 

City of Sacramento
Western Health Advantage

Corporate Leaders $30,000 +

California Walnuts
Kaiser Permanente

Corporate Supporter $10,000 +

Bike Dog Brewing Co. 
McClatchy Company Foundation

Corporate Donor $5,000+

Sacramento Memorial Auditorium
Pioneer Law Group
Kitchell Corporation
Colliers International 
Harrison Temblador Hungerford & Johnson LLP
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Potter Taylor & Co.


Advantage Consulting LLP
Basic Pacific California Arts Council
California Musical Theatre
Capital Athletic Club – Official Athletic Club of Sacramento Ballet
Capital Costume and Dancewear
Capital Graphics Inc.
Capital Physical Therapy
Capital Public Radio
Carothers DiSante & Freudenberger LLP
Classique Catering
Commins HVAC
Crocker Art Museum
David S. Gunther D.C. – Chiropractor of Sacramento Ballet
Dr. Robert W. Larsen, DPM, FACFAS – Official Podiatrist of Sacramento Ballet
Firestone Walker Brewing Company
Harrison, Temblador, Hungerford & Johnson LLP
Kaiser Permanente
Kamilos Companies
Kanter & Romo Immigration Law Office
Kitchell Corporation
Law Offices of Suzanne E. Rogers
Leavitt Pacific Insurance Brokers, Inc.
McClatchy Company Foundation
McClellan Park
Mondavi Center
Morgan Stanley
Outword Magazine
Pioneer Law Group
Potter Taylor & Co.
Remy Moose Manley, LLP
Sacramento Kings
Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission
Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Sacramento Theatrical Lighting
Sacramento Women’s Action Network
Sactown Magazine
Sutter Health
Teichert Foundation
The Bread Store
Thomas P. Raley Foundation
Uptown Studios
Western Health Advantage
Westervelt Ecological Services

For more information about becoming a Sacramento Ballet sponsor, please contact

Donate today to help a child’s dance education.


The Fred Shadle Fund

For the Training of Pre-Professional Dancers

The Fred Shadle Pre-Professional Program provides financial support for the acquisition of repertory, guest teachers, workshops, participation in dance festivals, and scholarships for pre-professional dancers who have evidenced exceptional ability and have been specially selected for the program.

Thomas E. McCauley Scholarship and Next Generation Fund

The Sacramento Ballet is pleased to announce the inauguration of the Thomas E. McCauley Scholarship/Next Generation Fund

The Sacramento Ballet is deeply indebted to Mr. Thomas E. McCauley for his generous support to the School of The Sacramento Ballet in providing Scholarships to talented young dancers, and financial aid to deserving youngsters who cannot afford to continue their dance training in these difficult economic times. We are also grateful for Mr. McCauley’s generous underwriting of the Sacramento Ballet’s Apprentice/Trainee Program which provides invaluable experience to young artists at the beginning of their professional careers.

To honor Mr. McCauley for being the first to recognize the need and provide the means to implement his vision of Financial Assistance to deserving dance students, the Sacramento Ballet is pleased to recognize his wisdom and insight with the inauguration of the Thomas E. McCauley Scholarship/Next Generation Fund.

As our School continues to grow, especially as we anticipate moving into the E. Claire Raley Studios for the Performing Arts, the Thomas E. McCauley Scholarship/Next Generation Fund serves as a catalyst for others to contribute resources to nurture and develop the next generation of artists in our community.

A charitable bequest is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. There are different kinds of bequests. For each, you must use very specific language to indicate the precise direction of your assets, and to successfully carry out your final wishes.

Types of Bequests and Language to Use

1. General Bequests

Legacies left to certain people or causes that come from the general value of the estate, and are made by designating a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate to the cause of your choice.

General Bequest Language:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Sacramento Ballet Endowment/2420 N Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95816, the sum of $________ (or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of The Sacramento Ballet Association and its general purposes.”

2. Residuary Bequests

Made when you intend to leave the residue portion of your assets after other terms of the will have been satisfied.

Residuary Bequest Language:

“All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to The Sacramento Ballet Endowment/2420 N Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95816, for its general purposes.”

3. Contingency Bequests

Allows you to leave a portion of your estate to a particular charity if your named beneficiary does not survive you.

Contingency Bequest Language:

“I devise and bequeath the residue of the property, real and personal and wherever situated, owned by me at my death, to (name of beneficiary), if (she/he) survives me. If (name of beneficiary) does not survive me, I devise and bequeath my residuary estate to The Sacramento Ballet Endowment/2420 N Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95816, for its general purposes.”

The Sacramento Ballet
2420 N Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95816

Registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Tax ID #: 94-1674349 (also called the EIN)
Development Director: Ron Fredman | 916.732.3670 |

Will Writing Software

Tomorrow App
Legal Zoom
Quicken WillMaker Plus

Celebrating 70 Years of Beauty

Since 1954, Sacramento Ballet has been making hopes and dreams come true while bringing endless inspiration to our city. But like any other journey, this one hasn’t been without its speed bumps. We’ve endured many financial trials and tribulations over the past six decades, yet our team always seems to emerge stronger on the other side. To keep going, we must band together, pool our resources, and make sure the ballet can inspire the masses for another 65 years!

Sacramento Ballet mainly exists off donations, meaning we need your help to bring another six decades of ballet to fans and friends citywide. That’s why we started the Sacramento Ballet Endowment (SBE), a self-sustaining funding source. 4% of the fund’s value will be paid directly to Sacramento Ballet to help us achieve our goals. Excess earnings will be reinvested to build market value, empowering the fund to blossom and support Sacramento Ballet’s future. The alternative is to leave a six-decade strong legacy hanging on a razor’s edge.

Your donation, no matter how big or small, will help us bring our humble dreams to life while keeping the flame of ballet alive in the hearts of thousands. Your contribution can never be used for ulterior purposes, and all proceeds will feed the fund – which is why we need to raise a substantial amount to keep the dream alive.

Together, we can nurture ballet in California and make sure it keeps growing for generations to come. If you wish to donate $5,000 or more, please do so before December 31, 2023. As a token of our sincere gratitude and appreciation, you will be recognized as a Sacramento Ballet Endowment Founding Member in our 2024 programs.

Are you ready to immortalize not just our city’s ballet legacy, but your own too? We welcome a private discussion regarding your major contribution or planning giving objectives so we can help custom-tailor a plan that best suits you.

Your donations to our endowment are tax-deductible under our non-profit 501(c)(3) status, EIN#: 94-1674349. We would be honored to be part of your planned giving arrangements as a recipient of your Charitable Bequest. Please click here for more information and language you can use in your estate planning.

Questions or wish to discuss your contribution? Please contact Director of Development at 916.732.3670.

Let’s voice our love for the beautiful art and work together for a proud future for SacBallet.

Please keep checking for updated information and ways to give. Information will be updated continually:

Planned Giving

Your legacy giving protects the longevity of Sacramento Ballet’s Grit and Grace. We invite you to fund the future of ballet by including the Sacramento Ballet in your will or trust, or by adding the Sacramento Ballet as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy.

Making a Gift of Appreciated Stock to the Sacramento Ballet

Thank you for your interest in donating to the Sacramento Ballet via appreciated stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Appreciated stock, bonds or other financial instruments:
Transfers of securities may be made to our account via our account:

Morgan Stanley
Attn: Mary Miller
1478 Stone Point Dr., Suite 500
Roseville, CA 95661

Please supply your broker with the following:
DTC# 0015
FAO Sacramento Ballet Association account number is 171-033465
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Miller at (916) 797-7713

Gift Card Tank

Enter in your unused/unwanted gift cards online and contribute that money to the Ballet!

Any Other Questions

Please contact Development Director, Ron Fredman at 916.732.6570

Sacramento Ballet Receives many more requests for tickets than we are able to provide.  We do our best to be fair and equitable when determining which organization receives tickets.

Please be sure to request tickets at least 2 months before your event.  If you do not hear back from us, please know it is because we are busy and not able to fill your request.

When we are able to give tickets to an organization it will be 2 – 4 tickets depending on availability and show.

Request ticket donation